Monday, December 2, 2019

Geisinger Facility Failed Medicare Certification

By Walter F. Roche Jr.

Multiple deficiencies were observed when Pennsylvania health surveyors conducted a Medicare/Medicaid re-certification survey of a Columbia County hospital.
The survey findings on the 76-bed Geisinger-Bloomsburg Hospital were detailed in a report dated Oct. 11 and made public last week. The deficiencies range from failure to properly complete pre-operative exams to failure to maintain one-to-one observation on a patient deemed to be a danger to self.
The surveyors observed hospital personnel examining patients prior to surgery without listening to the heart and lungs. In some cases they reported staffers failed to get complete medical histories
A review of supplies in the obstetrics department showed that sexual assault examination kits were outdated by a year.
"The room had no acceptable sexual assault kits available for immediate use," the report states.
In another finding the report said records showed a failure to perform a mandated review of available equipment.
The inspectors found that in at least two cases the hospital failed to inform the area organ procurement agency of patient deaths.
The surveyors also observed an employee in an operating room without proper attire.
Finally the surveyors cited the hospital for failure to follow established procedures for the use of pain medications. Patient pain assessments both before and after the administration of the pain medication were not always performed.
"The facility was not in compliance" with requirements for participation in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, the report states.
Facility officials filed a plan of correction in which they said equipment and other deficiencies would be corrected and employees would be given re-education programs and audits would be performed to ensure compliance.
Hospital officials did not respond to questions about the state report.

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