Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Hospital Cited in Paraplegic's Treatment

By Walter F. Roche Jr.

A Pennsylvania hospital has been cited by state health surveyors for multiple errors in the treatment of a paraplegic suffering from a bladder infection.
In a report dated Jan. 23, state health investigators said the patient at the Moses Taylor Hospital was suffering from cystitis of the bladder apparently due to a catheter that needed to be changed.
But it was a full seven days after his admission that the old catheter was removed. At that time a full two liters of urine were collected from the patient.
The hospital failed to ensure "a catheter was changed in a timely manner," the report states.
According to the report errors in the case began when the patient was brought by ambulance to the emergency room on Dec. 19. Nurses at Moses Taylor did draw up a list of the patient's medications, but failed to record when the most recent doses were administered.
In addition to suspected cystitis the patient at admission was suffering from chronic pressure ulcers. He also was diagnosed with pneumonia.
State investigators reviewed the patient's records and reported that on Christmas eve leakage was noted around the catheter. A urology consult was requested the same day and again on Christmas day. On Dec. 27 the records show the patient was still waiting for a urology consult. Noting that the standard of care called for a consult to be made within 24 hours, the report states that a new catheter was finally installed on Dec. 29.
Other deficiencies cited include failing to perform a prescription drug reconciliation, failing to obtain a sterile urine specimen. in addition despite the patient's paraplegia and bed sores, records showed the patient was not turned every two hours. He had two stage pressure sore, records showed.
The 214 bed hospital is part of the Community Health System.
The hospital did file a plan of correction in which it promised to re-educate staffers on drug reconciliation procedures and consultation requirements. The hospital also agreed to perform audits to ensure the plan of correction is being implemented.
Hospital officials did not respond to a series of questions about the state report.

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